Vulgar words in From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 210 ~ ~ ~
There, on those vast plains, they were to describe enormous geometric figures, drawn in characters of reflecting luminosity, among which was the proposition regarding the 'square of the hypothenuse,' commonly called the 'Ass's Bridge' by the French.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,092 ~ ~ ~
At the end of the twelve-hundredth visit they were pretty well knocked up.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 210 ~ ~ ~
There, on those vast plains, they were to describe enormous geometric figures, drawn in characters of reflecting luminosity, among which was the proposition regarding the 'square of the hypothenuse,' commonly called the 'Ass's Bridge' by the French.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,094 ~ ~ ~
At the end of the twelve-hundredth visit they were pretty well knocked up.