Vulgar words in Life on the Mississippi (Page 1)
This book at a glance
~ ~ ~ Sentence 120 ~ ~ ~
A Melancholy Picture.-On the Move.-River Gossip.-She Went By a-Sparklin'.-Amenities of Life.-A World of Misinformation.- Eloquence of Silence.-Striking a Snag.-Photographically Exact.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 142 ~ ~ ~
-He is Roped In.-His Dull Eyes Lit Up.-Four Aces, you Ass!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 200 ~ ~ ~
They made fun of him till he got mad and jumped up and begun to cuss the crowd, and said he could lame any thief in the lot.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 306 ~ ~ ~
There wasn't a human being in this town but knew that that boy was a perfect chucklehead; perfect dummy; just a stupid ass, as you may say.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 494 ~ ~ ~
This ass had been reading the 'Jibbenainosay,' no doubt, and had had his poor romantic head turned by it; but as I had not yet seen the book then, I took his inventions for truth, and did not suspect that he was a plagiarist.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 90 ~ ~ ~
All I desired to ask Mr. Bixby was the simple question whether he was ass enough to really imagine he was going to find that plantation on a night when all plantations were exactly alike and all the same color.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 304 ~ ~ ~
You can't see a snag in one of those shadows, but you know exactly where it is, and the shape of the river tells you when you are coming to it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 358 ~ ~ ~
He said, 'Well, taking you by-and-large, you do seem to be more different kinds of an ass than any creature I ever saw before.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 379 ~ ~ ~
As long as that hill over yonder is only one hill, I can boom right along the way I'm going; but the moment it splits at the top and forms a V, I know I've got to scratch to starboard in a hurry, or I'll bang this boat's brains out against a rock; and then the moment one of the prongs of the V swings behind the other, I've got to waltz to larboard again, or I'll have a misunderstanding with a snag that would snatch the keelson out of this steamboat as neatly as if it were a sliver in your hand.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 212 ~ ~ ~
It was nothing; I could have done it easy enough, and I said so; but everybody went on just the same, making a wonderful to do over that ass, as if he had done something great.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 353 ~ ~ ~
I suppose I'll never hear the last of how I was ass enough to heave the lead at the head of 66.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 378 ~ ~ ~
But I was not afraid of him now; so, instead of going, I tarried, and criticized his grammar; I reformed his ferocious speeches for him, and put them into good English, calling his attention to the advantage of pure English over the bastard dialect of the Pennsylvanian collieries whence he was extracted.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 17 ~ ~ ~
A Melancholy Picture.-On the Move.-River Gossip.-She Went By a-Sparklin'.-Amenities of Life.-A World of Misinformation.- Eloquence of Silence.-Striking a Snag.-Photographically Exact.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 516 ~ ~ ~
One night the boat struck a snag in the head of Kentucky Bend, and sank with astonishing suddenness; water already well above the cabin floor when the captain got aft.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4 ~ ~ ~
-He is Roped In.-His Dull Eyes Lit Up.-Four Aces, you Ass!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 119 ~ ~ ~
'Four ACES, you ass!' thundered Backus, covering his man with a cocked revolver.