Vulgar words in Danny's Own Story (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 60 ~ ~ ~
A man has jest naturally got to have something to cuss around and boss, so's to keep himself from finding out he don't amount to nothing.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 329 ~ ~ ~
And Hank he would jest cuss and cuss.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 364 ~ ~ ~
But nary a cuss.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,326 ~ ~ ~
They happened so quick and with such a whirl it was all unreal to me--shots and shouts, and windows breaking as they blazed away at the store fronts all around the square--and orders and cuss-words ringing out between the noise of shooting--and those electric lights shining on them as they tossed and trampled, and showing up masked faces here and there--and pounding hoofs, and hosses scream--like humans with excitement--and spurts of flame squirted sudden out of the ring of darkness round about the open place--and a bull-dog shut up in a store somewheres howling himself hoarse--and white puffs of powder smoke like ghosts that went a-drifting by the lights--it was all unreal to me, as if I had a fever and was dreaming it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,406 ~ ~ ~
I reckon by yo' talk yo' are one of them damn Yankees, ain't yo'?"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,407 ~ ~ ~
In Illinoise a Yankee is some one from the East, but down South he is anybody from north of the Ohio, and though that there war was fought forty years ago some of them fellers down there don't know damn and Yankee is two words yet.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,409 ~ ~ ~
So I tells him I am a damn Yankee and asts him agin if I can do anything fur him.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,456 ~ ~ ~
"Damn it--oh, damn it all," he says, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I don't see how on AIRTH I kin do it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,463 ~ ~ ~
Yes, SIR, Burley Peoples is his name--and he shore kin squall, the derned little cuss!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,536 ~ ~ ~
They is always some low-down cuss in every crowd that carries things to the point where they get brutal, Bud says; and he feels like them bicycle bearings was going a little too fur, though he wouldn't let on to his dad that he felt that-a-way.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,717 ~ ~ ~
"That's about the size of it, colonel," says Will.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,597 ~ ~ ~
Colonel Tom had made up his mind there wasn't going to be no bastards in the Buckner fambly.