Vulgar words in Epistles from Pap: Letters from the man known as 'The Will Rogers of Indiana' (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 205 ~ ~ ~
This is a damn sight harder than ground- hog hunting.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 414 ~ ~ ~
His home is in Russellville, where according to his own admission, there "ain't a golf ball or a pair of pajamas in the whole damn town."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 746 ~ ~ ~
Unless there had been a breakdown too serious for roadside repairs, or a truck had accidentally run out of oil or gas, or some driver had seen fit to buy a Babe Ruth for his sweet tooth, Indiana and Indiana people would not have received a damn cent for the use of their $60,000 per mile concrete highways.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 770 ~ ~ ~
And I am saying to you right here and now that there are other important questions pending except "wet" and "dry"... You know, it is a very easy thing to sit or stand around and "cuss" those in a legislative body for what they did or did not do...
~ ~ ~ Sentence 807 ~ ~ ~
He said to some men who came out to see me after I was damn near killed: "Did you ever in your life see so good an individual bull, any where, any time?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,838 ~ ~ ~
Charlie answered, "I know that Mr. Williams, but yours ain't a damn bit wider."