Vulgar words in Hard Cash (Page 1)
This book at a glance
~ ~ ~ Sentence 450 ~ ~ ~
"And, ergo, on the same premises, I, not being an egotist, nor an ass, have taken Hardie of Exeter and his headache out of the boat, as I should have done any other cripple.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,122 ~ ~ ~
"Lord sake, mad'm," said he impressively," mind what y' are at, though; Barkton's just a trap for fanciful femuls: there's a n'oily ass called Osmond, and a canting cut-throat called Stephenson and a genteel, cadaveris old assassin called Short, as long as a maypole; they'd soon take the rose out of Miss Floree's cheek here.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,169 ~ ~ ~
Mai--dear--mad'm, that one long fragmint of ass's jaw has slain a million.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,173 ~ ~ ~
It is seldom carried out entire, because the pashint, at the first or second link in their rimedial chain, expires; or else gives such plain signs of sinking, that even these ass-ass-ins take fright, and try t' undo their own work, not disease's, by tonics an' turtle, and stimulants: which things given at the right time instead of the wrong, given when the pashint was merely weakened by his disorder, and not enfeebled by their didly rinmedies, would have cut th' ailment down in a few hours."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,206 ~ ~ ~
Antiphlogistic is but a modern name for an ass-ass-inating rouutine which has niver varied a hair since scholastic midicine, the silliest and didliest of all the hundred forms of Quackery, first rose--unlike Seeince, Art, Religion, and all true Suns--in the West; to wound the sick; to weaken the weak; and mutilate the hurt; and thin mankind."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,231 ~ ~ ~
But 'no,' sis John Bull, the knowledge of our own buddies, and how to save our own Bakin--Beef I mean--day by day, from disease and chartered ass-ass-ins, all that may interest the thinkers in Saturn, but what the deevil is it t' _us?_ Talk t' _us_ of the hiv'nly buddies, not of our own; babble o' comets an' meteors an' Ethereal nibulae (never mind the nibulae in our own skulls).
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,038 ~ ~ ~
You have no idea how he makes love; _so_ unladylike: keeps advancing and advancing, and never once retreats, nor even st-ops.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,542 ~ ~ ~
Dat ar expression he signify a darned old cuss dat says to dis child, 'My lord Vespasium, take benevolence on your insidious slave, and invest me in a bread-bag,' instead of fighting for de ladies like a freenindependum citizen.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,576 ~ ~ ~
"The darned old cuss," said Vespasian, with a pathetic sigh at not being let hit him.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,607 ~ ~ ~
_Ramgolam (in Hindostanee)._ He whom Destiny, too strong for mortals, now oppresses with iron hand and feeds with the bread of affliction---- _Mr. Tickell (translating)._ He who by bad luck has got into trouble---- _Ramgolam._ Has long observed the virtues that embellish the commander of this ship resembling a mountain, and desired to imitate them---- _Tickell._ Saw what a good man the captain is, and wanted to be like him---- _Vespasian._ The darned old cuss.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,696 ~ ~ ~
"I'm bound to cross the obsequious cuss with the catawamptiousest gal in Guinea, and one that never saw a blacking bottle, not even in a dream."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,895 ~ ~ ~
"Dr. Stephenson's an ass."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,992 ~ ~ ~
I call 't th' ass-ass-ins' dickshinary; showing how, by the use of mealy-mouthed and d'exotic phrases, knaves can lead fools by th' ear a vilent dith.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,994 ~ ~ ~
So the profissional ass-ass-in words it thus: 'I'll bleed you from a large orifice till the occurrence of syncope.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,346 ~ ~ ~
"Come, don't be an ass, Robarts," said Dodd contemptuously.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,630 ~ ~ ~
He was going to say "Cuss," but remembering his pupil's late heroic conduct, softened it down to Anomaly.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,150 ~ ~ ~
"How can I work a great cure after these ass-ass-ins Short and Osmond?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,153 ~ ~ ~
--Both the Hardies uttered an ejaculation of unfeigned surprise.--"So, instid of recruiting the buddy thus exhausted of the great liquid material of all repair, the profissional ass-ass-in came and exhausted him worse: stabbed him while he slept; stabbed him unconscious, stabbed him in a vein: and stole more blood from him.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,156 ~ ~ ~
the routine of profissional ass-ass-ination had but begun; nixt they stabbed him with cupping-needles, and so stole more of his life-blood.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,528 ~ ~ ~
And she flung a tender arm round his neck, like a young goddess making love; and her sweet face came so near his, he had only to stoop a little, and their lips met in a long blissful kiss.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 13,658 ~ ~ ~
Like enough give me a thousand, and help me save my poor soul, that I shall damn if I meet him again.