Vulgar words in Wolfville (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 418 ~ ~ ~
"'If I had ten dollars I'd about call you a lot on that,' says Wilkins, 'but I'm a pore cuss an' ain't got no ten dollars, an' what's the use?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 966 ~ ~ ~
No shootin' up the scenery an' the bystanders; no sech slobberin' work; but everythin' carries straight to centers.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,177 ~ ~ ~
You simply gets a gun an' goes trackin' 'round in her destinies, an' shootin' up her prospects like you has a personal interest.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,182 ~ ~ ~
This shootin' up an Injun, cause he's plannin' to wed this female some, is what I shorely calls pronounced attentions.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,200 ~ ~ ~
"'That's nothin' to do with his makin' love to the British woman,' says Tucson Jennie, grittin' her teeth like she could eat the sights offen a six-shooter.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,203 ~ ~ ~
What do you-all call makin' love?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,052 ~ ~ ~
Before we done pow-wows two minutes up comes Old Monte, with the stage, all dust an' cuss-words, an' allows he's been stood up out by the cow springs six hours before, an' is behind the mail-bag an' the Adams Company's box on the deal.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,484 ~ ~ ~
Of course I talks back at this hold- up a heap profane, for I don't aim to have the name of allowin' any gent to rustle my stage an' me not cuss him out.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,661 ~ ~ ~
"An' that's about the size of it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,682 ~ ~ ~
But I allers puts it up I'd shorely filled my hand an' got plumb into the play, only it's a bad winter; an' in the spring the cattle, weak an' starved, is gettin' down an' chillin' to death about the water- holes; an' as results tharof I'm ridin' the hills, a-cussin' an' a- swearin'; an' all 'round it's that rough, an' I'm that profane an' voylent, I reckons towards April probably my soul's buried onder ten foot of cuss-words, an' that j'inin' the church in my case is mighty likely to be a bluff.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,292 ~ ~ ~
What's the matter of us hoppin' over an' shootin' up Red Dog?" says Dan Boggs.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,294 ~ ~ ~
"'Technical speakin',' says Doc Peets--which Peets, he shorely is the longest-headed sharp I ever sees, an' the galiest--'shootin' up Red Dog, while it's all right as a prop'sition an' highly creditable to Boggs, is not a Thanksgivin' play.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,794 ~ ~ ~
"The day before, Burke, who's a miner, diggin' an' projectin' 'round over in the Floridas, is in camp layin' in powder an' fuse a whole lot, with which he means to keep on shootin' up the he'pless bosoms of the hills like them locoed miner people does.