Vulgar words in The Puritaine Widdow (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 137 ~ ~ ~
Well, my Uncle is an old Ass, and an Admirable Cockscomb.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 508 ~ ~ ~
Twill be good for thee, Captain, that thou has such an egregious Ass to thy Cousin.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 561 ~ ~ ~
Women are not without ways enow to help them-selves: if he prove wise and good as his word, why, I shall love him, and use him kindly: and if he prove an Ass, why, in a quarter of an hour's warning I can transform him into an Ox;--there comes in my Relief again.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 820 ~ ~ ~
And I vowed never to be such an Ass, but to marry: what a cross Fortune's this!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,407 ~ ~ ~
But if you look to be released--as my wits have took pain to work it, and all means wrought to farther it-- besides to put crowns in your purse, to make you a man of better hopes, and whereas before you were a Captain or poor Soldier, to make you now a Commander of rich fools, (which is truly the only best purchase peace can allow you) safer then High-ways, Heath, or Cunny-groves, and yet a far better booty; for your greatest thieves are never hangd, never hangd, for, why, they're wise, and cheat within doors: and we geld fools of more money in one night, then your false tailed Gelding will purchase in a twelve-month's running; which confirms the old Beldam saying, he's wisest, that keeps himself warmest; that is, he that robs by a good fire-- CAPTAIN.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,522 ~ ~ ~
were not this Knight a fool, I had been twice spoiled now; that Captain's worse than accurst that has an ass to his Kinsman.