Vulgar words in The Master-Christian (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 211 ~ ~ ~
"Good!" said he--"I understand now why the Government makes such an ass of itself now and then!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,294 ~ ~ ~
Angela spoke English and French as easily and fluently as her native Tuscan, and had read the most notable books in all three languages, so she was well aware that of all kinds of human speech in the world there is none so adapted for making love and generally telling lies in, as the "lingua Toscana in bocca Romana."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,295 ~ ~ ~
And this particular "lingua" Florian possessed in fullest perfection of sweetness, so far as making love was concerned;--of the telling of lies he was, according to Angela's estimate of him, most nobly ignorant.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,638 ~ ~ ~
I found him working in the fields as a little peasant lad,--the love child, or 'bastard,' to put it roughly, of some priest whose name he never told me.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,195 ~ ~ ~
I could not imagine you telling an untruth,--not even in making love!" and she laughed, "Though there are many of your sex who think any amount of lies permissible under similar circumstances!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 8,435 ~ ~ ~
Listen!" and he leaned forward in his chair, his dark brows bent and his whole attitude expressive of a relentless malice--"Your marriage, without the blessing of the Church of your fathers, shall be declared illegal!-- your children pronounced bastards!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 9,426 ~ ~ ~
You--Vergniaud's bastard--" "Give that name to your children at Frascati!" cried Cyrillon passionately.