Vulgar words in Roughing It in the Bush (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 108 ~ ~ ~
"They do credit to the nursing of the brindled slut."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 116 ~ ~ ~
The pup yelped; the slut barked and leaped furiously at the offender, and was only kept from biting him by Sam, who could scarcely hold her back for laughing; the captain was uproarious; the offended Frenchman alone maintained a severe and dignified aspect.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 743 ~ ~ ~
Three months after, she happened to encounter him on the same spot, when he accosted her, without any previous salutation, "You were telling me about a donkey, Miss ---, a donkey of your brother's--Braham, I think you called him--yes, Braham; a strange name for an ass!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 767 ~ ~ ~
He laughed, danced, sang, and made love in a breath, committing a thousand mad vagaries to make you acquainted with his existence.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,008 ~ ~ ~
"I guess that was nigh braining the child," quoth Miss Amanda, with the greatest coolness, and without making the least apology.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,869 ~ ~ ~
I sat up, and wrote by the light of a strange sort of candles, that Jenny called "sluts," and which the old woman manufactured out of pieces of old rags, twisted together and dipped in pork lard, and stuck in a bottle.