Vulgar words in Sandra Belloni — Volume 5 (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 148 ~ ~ ~
He is ready to play or be serious, as you please; but in either case 'Merthyr is never a buffoon nor a parson'--Lady C. remarked this morning; and that describes him, if it were not for the detestable fling at the clergy, which she never misses.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 333 ~ ~ ~
I come round to the 'dear' by-and-by, after I have whipped each of the proud sluts, and their brother Mr. Wilfrid, just as if by accident.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 375 ~ ~ ~
Then joint, Mr. Braintop--out we burrst: (Oh, and what ins'lent hussies ye've been to me, and yell naver see annything of me but my back!)
~ ~ ~ Sentence 527 ~ ~ ~
Oh ye hussy!