Vulgar words in Famous Affinities of History, Vol 1-4, Complete - The Romance of Devotion (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,422 ~ ~ ~
Half the people sided with the queen, while the rest regarded her as a vulgar creature who made love to her attendants and brought dishonor on the English throne.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,009 ~ ~ ~
This is almost all that is usually remembered of her--that she was unfaithful to Napoleon, that she abandoned him in the hour of his defeat, and that she gave herself with readiness to one inferior in rank, yet with whom she lived for years, and to whom she bore what a French writer styled "a brood of bastards."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,194 ~ ~ ~
You might exhibit sensibility before a famous poet, or a gallant soldier, or a celebrated traveler--or, for that matter, before a remarkable buffoon, like Cagliostro, or a freak, like Kaspar Hauser.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,039 ~ ~ ~
Swift did not in any sense make love to her, though he gave her the somewhat fanciful name of "Vanessa"; but she, driven on by a high-strung, unbridled temperament, made open love to him.