Vulgar words in The Fiend's Delight (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 313 ~ ~ ~
He was reserved for a better fate than to die like a neglected dog: Mr. Lashworthy was hanged for braining a minister of the Gospel with a boot-jack.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,143 ~ ~ ~
A numerous editorial staff of intelligent jackasses will accompany the caravan.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,214 ~ ~ ~
His gait is something between those of a mud-turtle and a jackass-rabbit, verging closely on to the latter at periods of supposed personal danger, as before intimated.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,393 ~ ~ ~
Now, what we wish to secure is a word that shall contain within itself all the essential principles of downright abuse; the mere pronouncing of which in the public street would subject one to the inconvenience of being rent asunder by an infuriated populace-something so atrociously apt and so exquisitely diabolical that any person to whom it should be applied would go right away out and kick himself to death with a jackass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,510 ~ ~ ~
If a jackass were to describe the Deity he would represent Him with long ears and a tail.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,740 ~ ~ ~
He seldom disagreed with any but Democrats, and would have materially reduced the vote of that party had he not been so untimely cut off.--Jackass Gap "Bulletin."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,807 ~ ~ ~
The undertaker describes the patient as "the longest cuss in that section."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,831 ~ ~ ~
No honour had this infidel, That doth not appertain, as well, To altered caitiff on the drop; No wit that would not likewise pass For wisdom in the famished ass Who breaks his neck a weed to crop, When tethered in the luscious grass.