Vulgar words in The Man of Feeling (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 219 ~ ~ ~
That was a damn'd hard match between Joe the Nailor and Tim Bucket.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 228 ~ ~ ~
I knew him, some years ago, in the quality of a footman; and I believe he had some times the honour to be a pimp.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 710 ~ ~ ~
A murrain on the smooth- tongued knave, and after all to get it for this pimp of a gauger."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,044 ~ ~ ~
She had a hoop, forsooth, as large and as stiff--and it showed a pair of bandy legs, as thick as two--I was nearer the door by an apron's length, and the pert hussy brushed by me, as who should say, Make way for your betters, and with one of her London bobs--but Mrs. Dorothy did not let her pass with it; for all the time of drinking tea, she spoke of the precedency of family, and the disparity there is between people who are come of something and your mushroom gentry who wear their coats of arms in their purses."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,256 ~ ~ ~