Vulgar words in Tales (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 293 ~ ~ ~
Thus fair Rebecca, though she walk'd astray, His creed rejecting, judged it right to pray, To be at church, to sit with serious looks, To read her Bible and her Sunday-books: She hated all those new and daring themes, And call'd his free conjectures "devil's dreams:" She honour'd still the priesthood in her fall, And claim'd respect and reverence for them all; Call'd them "of sin's destructive power the foes, And not such blockheads as he might suppose."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 946 ~ ~ ~
The Friend was vex'd--she paused; at length she cried, "Know your own danger, then your lot decide: That traitor Beswell, while he seeks your hand, Has, I affirm, a wanton at command; A slave, a creature from a foreign place, The nurse and mother of a spurious race; Brown ugly bastards (Heaven the word forgive, And the deed punish!)
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,770 ~ ~ ~
The busy people of a mason's yard The curious Lady view'd with much regard; With steady motion she perceived them draw Through blocks of stone the slowly-working saw; It gave her pleasure and surprise to see Among these men the signs of revelry: Cold was the season, and confined their view, Tedious their tasks, but merry were the crew; There she beheld an aged pauper wait, Patient and still, to take an humble freight; Within the panniers on an ass he laid The ponderous grit, and for the portion paid; This he re-sold, and, with each trifling gift, Made shift to live, and wretched was the shift.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,777 ~ ~ ~
Thus was the grieving man, with burthen'd ass, Seen day by day along the street to pass: "Who is he, Susan?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,884 ~ ~ ~
and when fix'd the day of your return, Stay longer yet, and let the blockheads learn That though a wife may sometimes wish to rule, She would not make th' indulgent man a fool; I would at times advise--but idle they Who think th' assenting husband must obey."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,295 ~ ~ ~
yonder blaze thy worthies; in one heap Thy scoundrel favourites must for ever sleep: Each yields its poison to the flame in turn, Where whores and infidels are doomed to burn; Two noble faggots made the flame you see, Reserving only two fair twigs for thee; That in thy view the instruments may stand, And be in future ready for my hand: The just mementos that, though silent, show Whence thy correction and improvements flow; Beholding these, thou wilt confess their power, And feel the shame of this important hour.