Vulgar words in An Egyptian Princess — Complete (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,185 ~ ~ ~
After the dance appeared Egyptian singers and buffoons for the further amusement of the company.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,396 ~ ~ ~
Bartja thanked his generous brother with undisguised warmth, but Cambyses remained cold as ice, uttered a few farewell words, and then, riding off in pursuit of a wild ass, turned his back upon him.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,798 ~ ~ ~
If the physician cures the mistress of the house, a female ass shall be his fee, etc., etc."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,099 ~ ~ ~
"'Nitetis, the adulterous daughter of the King of Egypt, shall be punished for her hideous crimes according to the extreme rigor of the law, thus: She shall be set astride upon an ass and led through the streets of Babylon; and all men shall see that Cambyses knows how to punish a king's daughter, as severely as his magistrates would punish the meanest beggar.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,890 ~ ~ ~
But old Hib is not quite so stupid as to let himself be caught in that way, though some people, who ought to know better, do fancy he can be bribed and is no better than the son of an ass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,146 ~ ~ ~
He had met the Achaemenidae in so frank and winning a manner, had excited so many hopes by the hints he had thrown out of an expected and important war, and had aroused so much merriment by well-told jests, such as the Persians had never heard before, that there were very few who did not welcome his appearance gladly, and when--in company with the king--he separated from the rest in chase of a wild ass, they openly confessed to one another, that they had never before seen so perfect a man.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,479 ~ ~ ~
An hour before I reached the gates my third horse knocked up under me, so I had to trust to my own legs, and began running as fast as I could.