Vulgar words in The Innocents Abroad — Volume 03 (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 346 ~ ~ ~
The gentle reader will never, never know what a consummate ass he can become, until he goes abroad.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 347 ~ ~ ~
I speak now, of course, in the supposition that the gentle reader has not been abroad, and therefore is not already a consummate ass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 349 ~ ~ ~
I shall always delight to meet an ass after my own heart when I shall have finished my travels.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 828 ~ ~ ~
Not much use as far as the other world is concerned, but much, very much use, as concerns this; because there, if a man be rich, he is very greatly honored, and can become a legislator, a governor, a general, a senator, no matter how ignorant an ass he is--just as in our beloved Italy the nobles hold all the great places, even though sometimes they are born noble idiots.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 846 ~ ~ ~
They can work at any business they please; they can sell brand new goods if they want to; they can keep drug-stores; they can practice medicine among Christians; they can even shake hands with Christians if they choose; they can associate with them, just the same as one human being does with another human being; they don't have to stay shut up in one corner of the towns; they can live in any part of a town they like best; it is said they even have the privilege of buying land and houses, and owning them themselves, though I doubt that, myself; they never have had to run races naked through the public streets, against jackasses, to please the people in carnival time; there they never have been driven by the soldiers into a church every Sunday for hundreds of years to hear themselves and their religion especially and particularly cursed; at this very day, in that curious country, a Jew is allowed to vote, hold office, yea, get up on a rostrum in the public street and express his opinion of the government if the government don't suit him!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,263 ~ ~ ~
Trying to impose your vile second-hand carcasses on us!--thunder and lightning, I've a notion to--to--if you've got a nice fresh corpse, fetch him out!--or by George we'll brain you!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,587 ~ ~ ~
Naked boys of nine years and the fancy-dressed children of luxury; shreds and tatters, and brilliant uniforms; jackass-carts and state-carriages; beggars, Princes and Bishops, jostle each other in every street.