Vulgar words in Note Book of an English Opium-Eater (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 933 ~ ~ ~
That nearly all the blockheads with whom I have at any time had the pleasure of conversing upon the subject of style (and pardon me for saying that men of the most sense are apt, upon two subjects, viz., poetry and style, to talk _most_ like blockheads), have invariably regarded Swift's style not as if _relatively_ good [_i.e.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,017 ~ ~ ~
A long list can be cited of passages in Shakspeare, which have been solemnly denounced by many eminent men (all blockheads) as ridiculous: and if a man _does_ find a passage in a tragedy that displeases him, it is sure to seem ludicrous: witness the indecent exposures of themselves made by Voltaire, La Harpe, and many billions beside of bilious people.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,262 ~ ~ ~
A man who doubts, after _really_ reading Mr. Taylor's work, is not only a blockhead, but an irreclaimable blockhead.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,291 ~ ~ ~
The rumor that ministers were themselves alarmed (which was the naked truth) travelled downwards; but the _why_ did not travel; and the innumerable blockheads of lower circles, not understanding the real cause of fear, sought a false one in the supposed thunderbolts of the rhetoric.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,766 ~ ~ ~
There were blockheads in those days.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,423 ~ ~ ~
At p. 315, he calls it 'this stupendous work;' and lower down on the same page he says--'I was turned out of school at the age of fifteen for a dunce or blockhead, because I would not stuff into my memory all the nonsense of erudition and learning; and if future ages should discover the unparalleled energies of genius in this work, it will prove my most important doctrine--that the powers of the human mind must be developed in the education of thought and sense in the study of moral opinion, not arts and science.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,522 ~ ~ ~
An eye-witness to the fact, who has since published it in print, told me, that in France, before the revolution, he had repeatedly seen a woman yoked with an ass to the plough; and the brutal ploughman applying his whip indifferently to either.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,712 ~ ~ ~
6, on a secret information, and spent the night in making love at No.