Vulgar words in The Open Air (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 30 ~ ~ ~
Guido nearly stepped on a humble-bee--buzz-zz!--the bee was so alarmed he actually crept up Guido's knickers to the knee, and even then knocked himself against a wheat-ear when he started to fly.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,952 ~ ~ ~
At a turn of the lane there was a great heap of oak "chumps," crooked logs, sawn in lengths, and piled together.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,923 ~ ~ ~
On the desert routes of Palestine a donkey becomes romantic; in a coster-monger's barrow he is only an ass; the donkey himself doesn't see the distinction.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,926 ~ ~ ~
Far beyond that, it is the symbol, the solid expression, of life itself to the owner, his family, and circle of connections, more so than even the ship to the sailor, as the sailor, no matter how he may love his ship, longs for port, and the joys of the shore, but the barrow folk are always at sea on land, Such care has to be taken of the miserable pony or the shamefaced jackass; he has to be groomed, and fed, and looked to in his shed, and this occupies three or four of the family at least, lads and strapping young girls, night and morning.