Vulgar words in Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,532 ~ ~ ~
A redflowered form of the common _Begonia semperflorens_ is cultivated under the name of "Vernon," the white hawthorn (_Crataegus Oxyacantha_) is often seen with red flowers, and a pink-flowered variety of the "Silverchain" or "Bastard acacia" (_Robinia Pseud-Acacia_) is not rarely cultivated.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,554 ~ ~ ~
So it is with the pyramidal varieties of oaks, elms, the bastard-acacia and some others.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,598 ~ ~ ~
Spineless varieties are recorded for the bastard-acacia, the holly and the garden gooseberry (_Ribes Grossularia_, or _R.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,484 ~ ~ ~
It occurs also in pinnate leaves, and complete sets of all the intermediate links may often be found on the false or bastard-acacia (_Robinia Pseud_Acacia_).
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,487 ~ ~ ~
The ashes and the bastard-acacia may be quoted among trees, and the "one-leaved" strawberry among herbs.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,214 ~ ~ ~
The monophyllous bastard-acacia originated in the same way.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,220 ~ ~ ~
Briot remarks that the monophyllous bastard acacia is liable to petaloid alterations of its stamens, which deficiency may encroach upon its fertility and accordingly upon the purity of its offspring.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,673 ~ ~ ~
It is the case of the monophyllous variety of the bastard-acacia or _Robinia Pseud-Acacia_.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,676 ~ ~ ~
In some instances these are one-bladed, the blade reaching a length of 15 cm., and hardly resembling those of the common bastard-acacia.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,682 ~ ~ ~
But the monophylly, or rather the size of the terminal blade and the reduction of the lateral ones, may be held to be sufficiently illustrated by the bastard-acacia.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,691 ~ ~ ~
The majority of the leaves are simple, but some produce one or two smaller leaflets at their base, closely corresponding in this respect to the variations of the "one-bladed" bastard-acacia, and evidently indicating the same latent and atavistic character.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 8,220 ~ ~ ~
A _Abies concolor fastigiata_, 618 _Acacia_, 176, 196, 217, 458, 697 bastard, 343, 617, 618, 664, 665, 666 _Acer compestre nanum_, 612 _Achillea millefolium_, 131, 132, 441 Adaptation, 702 double, 430, 451, 452, 454, 455, 457, 458, 642 _Aegilops ovata_, 265 _speltaeformis_, 265 _Agave vivipara_, 684 _Ageratum coeruleum_, 612 _Agrostemma Coronaries bicolor_, 125 _Githago_, 282 _nicaeensis_, 162 _Agrotis_, 204 Alder, cut-leaved, 147, 596 Alfalfa, 264 Algae, 699 Allen, Grant, 237 _Alliaria_, 638 _Alnus glutinosa laciniata_, 615 Alpine plants, 437, 695, 794 _Althaea_, 490 Amaranth, 282, 452 _Amaranthus caudatus_, 282 _Amaryllis_, 272, 275, 762 brasiliensis_, 275 leopoldi_, 275 pardina_, 275 psittacina_, 275 vittata_, 275 Amen-Hotep, 697 _Ampelopsis_, 239 _Amygdalus persica laevis_, 126 _Anagallis arvensis_, 162 _Androsace_, 634 _Anemone_, 266, 331 _coronaria_, 241, 491 var.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 8,221 ~ ~ ~
"Bride," 510 _magellanica_, 266 _sylvestris_, 266 _Anemone_, garden, 241 Annee, 760 Anomalies, taxonomic, 658, 685 _Anthemis_, 236 _nobilis_, 130 _Anthurium scherzerianum_, 639 _Antirrhinum majus_, 315 _luteum rubro-striatum_, 315 Apetalous flowers, 622 Apples, 134, 240, 328, 454, 806 elementary species, 75 method of cultivating, 76 origin of cultivated varieties, 73 use by the Romans, 74 "Wealthy," 78, 79 wild, 73, 74, 75, 76 _Aquilegia chrysantha_, 161 _Arabis ciliata glabrata_ _hirsuta glaberrima_, 126 _Aralia crassifolia_, 662 Arbres fruitiers ou Pomonomie belge, 76 _Aralia papyrifera_, 662 Arctic flora, 695 _Arnica_, 494 _montana_, 236 Aroids, 222, 631, 639 Artemisias, 131 Artificial selection, 18, 71, 77, 93, 95, 743, 744, 798, 826 first employed, 72, 92 nature of, 19 _Arum maculatum immaculatum_, 125 Ascidia, 310, 366, 367, 427, 428, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 Ash, 135, 341 one-bladed, 666, 667 weeping, 196, 596 Ashe, 343 Aster, 132, 152, 242 seashore, 200, 282 _Aster Tripolium_, 132, 200, 236, 282, 410 _Astragalus alpinus_, 696 Atavism, 154, 170, 172, 175, 176, 178, 182, 185, 187, 188, 198, 220, 222, 226, 235, 344, 354, 399, 405, 411, 660, 661 bud, 183, 226 definition of, 170, 631 false, 185, 187 negative, 344 positive, 344 seed, 176 systematic, 174, 222, 630-657 Atavists, 156, 201 heredity of, 412 _Atropa Belladonna lutea_, 592 _Aubretia_, 241 _Avena fatua_, 100, 207 _Azalea_, 178, 322 _Azolla caroliniana_, 239 B Babington, _Manual of British Botany_, 36, Bailey, 78, 306, 684 Balsams, 334 Bananas, 90, 134 Banyan, 244 Barberry, 133, 180 European, 270 purple, 596 _Barbarea vulgaris_, 427 Barley, 98, 105, 133, 203, 678, 679 "Nepaul," 203, 676, 677, 679, 681, 682 Bastard-acacia, 133, 136, 140 Bateson, 250 Bauhin, Caspar, 72, 610 Baumann, 618 Beans, 90, 152, 327, 727, 735 Bedstraw, 648 Beech, 133, 135, 242 cut-leaved, 179, 196, 616 laciniated, 196 oak-leaved, 595 purple, 196, 593, 595 Beeches, 427 fern-leaved, 147 Beets, 68, 72, 92, 93, 792, 796, 801, 815, 817, 818 Californian, 796 European, 796 forage, 71, 72, 791 salad, 71 Beet-sugar, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 109, 165, 717, 791, 807, 813, 814 _Begonia_, 218, 366, 509, 765 ever-flowering, 148 tuberous, 272 _clarkii_, 272 _davisii_, 272 _rosiflora_, 272 _sedeni_, 273 _semperflorens_, 133, 148, 620 _Begonia_ bulbous, 372 _veitchi_, 272 Behrens, 804 Belladonna, 145 _Bellis perennis_, 236 _perennis plena_, 195 Bentham, 237 Bentham & Hooker, _Handbook of British Flora_, 36 _Berberis_, 133, 180, 455 _ilicifolia_, 270 _vulgaris_, 270 Bertin, 596 _Berula angustifolia_, 457 Bessey, 660 _Beta maritima_, 69 _patula_, 69, 70 _vulgaris_, 69, 70 _Betula_, 132 Between-race, 358 Bewirkung, Theorie der directen (Nageli), 448 _Biastrepsis_, 402 _Bidens_, 131 _atropurpurea_, 131 _cernua_, 131, 158 _leucantha_, 131 _tripartite_, 131 Bilberries, 577 Bindweed, 41924 Binomium, of Newton, 767 Birch, 133, 243 cut-leaved, 596, 616 fastigiate, 618 fern-leaved, 179 _Bisoutella_, 282 _laevigata glabra_, 125 Bitter-sweet, 125 Blackberry, 268, 768 "Paradox," 769 Blue-bells, variation in, 54, 491, 577 Blueberries, 769 Blue-bottle, 499, 507, 509, 510 Blueflag, atavism of, 172 _Boehmeria_, 675 _bilboa_, 685 Bonnier, 439, 441, 442, 444, 451, 795 Boreau, 663 Brambles, 126, 127, 147, 239, 244, 245, 268, 740, 769, 663 _Brassica_, 244 Braun, 738 Braun and Schimper, 494 Bread-fruits, 90 Briot, 618 Britton and Brown's Flora, 162 Brooks, 711 Broom, 140 prickly, 217 Broom-rape, 220 _Broussonetia papyifera dissecta_, 616 _Brunella_, 146, 268 _vulgaris_, 577 _vulgaris alba_, 201 _Bryophyllum calycinum_, 218 Buckwheat, 452 Bud-variation, 750 Buds, adventitious, 218 Burbank, Luther, 57, 79, 116, 134, 268, 758, 768, 769, 784 Buttercup, 331, 357, 410, 725, 740 Asiatic, 241 C Cabbages, 428, 684 atavism in, 638 origin of varieties, 621 Cactuses, 444 Cactus-dahlia, 625 _Calamintha Acinos_, 437, 452 Calamus root, 222 _Calendula officinalis_, 502 _Calliopsis tinctoria_, 195 _Calluna_, 146 _vulgaris_, 437, 577 _Caltha_, 490 _palustris_, 331 _Camelina_, 684 _Camellia_, 178, 323 _japonica_, 368 Camellias, 331 Camomile, 130, 132, 156, 366, 494, 503, 509, 512 _Campanula persicifolia_, 151, 234 _rotundifolia_, 437 Campion, 283, 302, 304 evening, 281 red, 238 _Canna_, 751, 759, 761 _indica_, 760 "Madame Crozy," 760, 761 _nepalensis_, 760 _warczewiczii_, 760 _Capsella Bursa-pastoris apetala_, 585 _heegeri_, 22, 582, 583, 684 _Carex_, 53 Carnation, 178, 241, 491 wheat-ear, 227 _Carpinus Betulus heterophylla_, 180 Carriere, 491, 596, 612, 806 Carrots, 806 Catch-fly, 419 Carboniferous period, 699 _Casuarina quadrivalvis_, 649 Cauliflowers, origin of, 621 Caumzet, 614 Causation, theory of direct, (Nageli), 448 Cedar, pyramidal, 618 Celandine, 147, 245, 280, 365 oak-leaved, 603, 610, 611 _Celosia_, 621 _Celosia cristata_, 327, 411 _Centaurea_, 242 Centgener power, 20, 822 _Centranthus macrosiphon_, 424 _Cephalotaxus_, 170, 226 _pedunculata fastigiata_, 169 Cereals, 105, 106, 107, 119, 801, 804 origin of cultivation, 104 Character-units, 632 Charlock, 424 _Cheiranthus_, 490 _Cheiri_, 370 _Cheiri gynantherus_, 371 _Chelidonium laciniatum_, 22, 609 _majus_, 147, 365, 600, 610, 611 _majus foliis quernis_, 610 Cherries, 79 Cherry, bird's, 617 Chestnuts, 427 Chromosomes, 306 _Chrysanthemum_, 178, 274 corn, 739 _Chrysanthemum carinatum_, 494 _coronarium_, 161, 202, 510 _grandiflorum_, 739 _imbricatum_, 494 _indicum_, 490 _inodorum_, 503 _inodorum plenissimum_, 336 new double, 501 _segetum_, 202, 493, 504, 729 _segetum_, var.