Vulgar words in The Precipice (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 67 ~ ~ ~
Sometimes the teacher lost patience with him, and generally concluded: "Go back to your place, you are a blockhead."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 126 ~ ~ ~
A boy would seize Vassyvkov by the ear, crying, "Get out, stupid, blockhead," but Raisky stood by him, because Vassyvkov, inattentive, sleepy, idle, who never did his work even for the universally beloved Russian master, would every afternoon after dinner take his violin, and as he played, forget the school, the masters and the nose-pullings.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,157 ~ ~ ~
So at each flash of lightning everyone must make the sign of the Cross, on pain of being thought a blockhead.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,575 ~ ~ ~
"Don't beat about the bush, Vera, you may say I am an ass."