Vulgar words in The Three Clerks (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 915 ~ ~ ~
Alaric Tudor had certainly come out with no defined intention of making love as Harry Norman had done; but with such a companion it was very difficult for him to avoid it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 918 ~ ~ ~
Alaric Tudor had no defined intention of making love; but he had a sort of suspicion that he might, if he pleased, do so successfully; and he had no defined intention of letting it alone.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,683 ~ ~ ~
'You are fagged to death, I know, and we'll get a mouthful of fresh air before we go upstairs,'--and so saying he put his arm through Alaric's, and they strolled off through the suburbs of the town.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,721 ~ ~ ~
He got home about two o'clock, and having knocked up his landlady, Mrs. Richards, betook himself to bed.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,546 ~ ~ ~
But it must not be thought that Charley abused the friendship of Mrs. Woodward, and made love to Katie, as love is usually made-- with warm words, assurances of affection, with squeezing of the hand, with sighs, and all a lover's ordinary catalogue of resources.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,412 ~ ~ ~
What an unmitigated ass that cousin of yours must be!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,515 ~ ~ ~
They had at first confined their remarks to the special evidence of the witness who had last been in the chair; and Undy, with the volubility which was common to him when he was in high spirits, had been denouncing him as an ass who was injuring his own cause by his over obstinacy.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,757 ~ ~ ~
No,' said he; 'only fagged, dearest; fagged and worried, and badgered and bored; but, thank God, not ill;' and he endeavoured to put on his usual face, and speak in his usual tone.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,771 ~ ~ ~
I am fagged with the heat, and I want one minute's rest.'