Vulgar words in The Avalanche (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 355 ~ ~ ~
Working or tired out at night--letting you go out so much alone--but I haven't the heart to insist that you yawn over a book, while I am shut up here, or too fagged to talk even to you.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,033 ~ ~ ~
I want to go over it carefully before I dictate the answers in the morning, and that means two or three hours of hard work that will leave me pretty well fagged out.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,977 ~ ~ ~
He had exquisite memories of these lovely grounds; he and Hélène had spent several days with Mrs. Thornton during their engagement, and she had lent them the house for their honeymoon; he would have liked to wander through the pleasant spaces with his wife to-night and make love to her, instead of spying on her in the company of a detective.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,167 ~ ~ ~
Some would have a regular 'poker face,' others would give themselves away.