Vulgar words in Andivius Hedulio - Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 294 ~ ~ ~
"Goggling country bumpkins?" he conjectured.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,986 ~ ~ ~
It is an unforgivable affront that you should pretend love for me and aspire to be my husband and all the while be philandering after a freedwoman; but that you should parade yourself on the high road with her all the way from your villa to Rome, with the hussy enthroned in your own travelling carriage, is far worse.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,010 ~ ~ ~
But, above and beyond your treachery to me, I am insulted at your bungling your clumsy intrigues and flaunting the minx in the face of all the world and setting all fashionable Rome to gossiping about you and your hussy and to wondering how I am going to act about it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,637 ~ ~ ~
That Agathemer's presumption should have spoiled the interview with Vedia which she and Nemestronia had manifestly arranged for us, that it should have exposed Vedia in her undignified disguise to recognition by the greatest ass and blatherskite in the senate, this infuriated me till I felt internally like Aetna or Vesuvius on the verge of eruption.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,738 ~ ~ ~
Whereas, when I made my offering before my flight the previous year, the street had been deserted, since I passed along it within an hour after sunrise, now it was humming with unsavory life, the eating-stalls under the vaults crowded, throngs about the Babylonian and Egyptian seers who prophesied anyone's future for a copper, tawdry hussies leering before the doors of their dens, unsavory louts chatting with some of them, idlers everywhere.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,191 ~ ~ ~
I then had my first glimpse of a Marseilles pimp, and I never want to see another.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,197 ~ ~ ~
"If you spend six gold pieces on that outfit," said Doris, "you are an ass; you shall have six gold pieces, but bring back a reasonable sum in change, after paying the porter."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,590 ~ ~ ~
The expression of vacuous miscomprehension like that on the face of a country bumpkin, which was so usual with Commodus when dealing with official business or social duties, never appeared on his countenance when revelling in his favorite sport: then his expression was intelligent, lively and even charming.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 8,274 ~ ~ ~
I rated him such a dolt, such an ass, that even if he exclaimed that I was the image of Andivius Hedulio I had no doubt I could convince him that I was what I pretended to be and could even expunge from his mind any recollections of his having noticed such a striking resemblance.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 9,445 ~ ~ ~
I comprehended Aurelius and Commodus and their magistrates and officials and constabulary; I was right in fearing nothing from Pertinax and Julianus; but I was an ass to think I could cope with Septimius Severus.