Vulgar words in The Bride of Dreams (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 989 ~ ~ ~
Were I humble enough to treat them as my equals by being natural with them, they would then call me a conceited ass and a cad.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,057 ~ ~ ~
The priesthood, the black vermin, is a Jewish Germanic bastard brood.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,127 ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,158 ~ ~ ~
Father and I parted the while he cursed me and I denounced him as a 'blockhead.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,489 ~ ~ ~
And as long as you artless blockheads do not understand that proper and successful hypocrisy is the primal Christian virtue, the practising of which belongs to the highest religious duties already taught by the Trinity, so long nothing will come of the Kingdom of God."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,581 ~ ~ ~
To the Hollander a dreamer is a blockhead and a dullard, and our broker, a little fellow with gray beard and little leering cunningly-stupid eyes, who thinks himself very smart because he knows bow to eke out a profit everywhere and thus to swell his bank account, always states with much satisfaction that he never knew what it was to dream.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,625 ~ ~ ~
Wait, my reader, until you are as old and experienced a dreamer as I am, and you shall see for yourself these terror-inspirers and bloodcurdlers, these buffoons and jesters at work in the shapes in which Breughel and Teniers portrayed them in so life-like a manner.