Vulgar words in Joseph Andrews Vol 1 (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 531 ~ ~ ~
I will keep no such sluts in my family.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 571 ~ ~ ~
As to others, they may, perhaps, not call you rude; for there are wicked sluts who make one ashamed of one's own sex, and are as ready to admit any nauseous familiarity as fellows to offer it: nay, there are such in my family, but they shall not stay in it; that impudent trollop who is with child by you is discharged by this time."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 761 ~ ~ ~
--"Touch one if you dare, you slut," said Mrs Tow-wouse: "your master is a pretty sort of a man, to take in naked vagabonds, and clothe them with his own clothes.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 945 ~ ~ ~
Avarice itself is often no more than thy handmaid, and even Lust thy pimp.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 963 ~ ~ ~
Mrs Tow-wouse delivered herself in the following words: "Sure never was such a fool as my husband; would any other person living have left a man in the custody of such a drunken drowsy blockhead as Tom Suckbribe?"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,084 ~ ~ ~
Mrs Tow-wouse, Mr Tow-wouse, and Betty, all lifting up their voices together; but Mrs Tow-wouse's voice, like a bass viol in a concert, was clearly and distinctly distinguished among the rest, and was heard to articulate the following sounds:--"O you damn'd villain!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,089 ~ ~ ~
but I'll maul the slut, I'll tear her nasty eyes out!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,092 ~ ~ ~
Get you out of my house, you whore."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,293 ~ ~ ~
"I never knew any of these forward sluts come to good" (says the lady who refused Joseph's entrance into the coach), "nor shall I wonder at anything she doth in the sequel."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,431 ~ ~ ~
--"Not at all," says Mrs Grave-airs; "such sluts can never be confounded."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,500 ~ ~ ~
At which words she fell to chafing more violently than before: the bell then happening to ring, he damn'd his wife, and bid her go in to the company, and not stand rubbing there all day, for he did not believe the young fellow's leg was so bad as he pretended; and if it was, within twenty miles he would find a surgeon to cut it off.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,722 ~ ~ ~
This fellow, who had a readiness at improving any accident, thought he might now play a better part than that of a dead man; and, accordingly, the moment the candle was held to his face he leapt up, and, laying hold on Adams, cried out, "No, villain, I am not dead, though you and your wicked whore might well think me so, after the barbarous cruelties you have exercised on me.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,781 ~ ~ ~
Why, I'll give one, you blockhead, with an S. _"'Si licet, ut fulvum spectatur in ignibus haurum.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,943 ~ ~ ~
This dialogue might have probably grown warmer, had not Joseph opportunely entered the room, to ask leave of Madam Slipslop to introduce Fanny: but she positively refused to admit any such trollops, and told him, "She would have been burnt before she would have suffered him to get into a chaise with her, if she had once respected him of having his sluts waylaid on the road for him;" adding, "that Mr Adams acted a very pretty part, and she did not doubt but to see him a bishop."