Vulgar words in Peter Ibbetson (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,067 ~ ~ ~
Leave the room, you pitiful green jackass, or I'll have you turned out," and he rang the bell.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,085 ~ ~ ~
Come on, you cowardly assassin, you bastard parricide!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,089 ~ ~ ~
[Illustration: "BASTARD!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,346 ~ ~ ~
Perpetual hunting and shooting and fishing and horseracing--eating, drinking, and killing, and making love--eternal court gossip and tittle-tattle--the Prince--the Queen--whom and what the Queen likes, whom and what she doesn't!--tame English party politics--the Church--a Church that doesn't know its own mind, in spite of its deans, bishops, archbishops, and their wives and daughters--and all their silly, solemn sense of social rank and dignity!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,609 ~ ~ ~
Tarapatapoum is not the only fairy who has idealized a hulking clown with an ass's head into a Prince Charming; the spectacle, alas!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,946 ~ ~ ~
But a hundred years ago and more these were names of importance in Maine and Anjou; their bearers were descended for the most part from younger branches of houses which in the Middle Ages had intermarried with all there was of the best in France; and although they were looked down upon by the _noblesse_ of the court and Versailles, as were all the provincial nobility, they held their own well in their own country; feasting, hunting, and shooting with each other; dancing and fiddling and making love and intermarrying; and blowing glass, and growing richer and richer, till the Revolution came and blew them and their glass into space, and with them many greater than themselves, but few better.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,349 ~ ~ ~
A midge's life is as long as a man's, for it has time to learn its business, and do all the harm it can, and fight, and make love, and marry, and reproduce its kind, and grow disenchanted and bored and sick and content to die--all in a summer afternoon.