Vulgar words in The Confession of a Child of the Century (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 576 ~ ~ ~
Love, for them, is another thing; it is to go out veiled, to write in secret, to make trembling advances, to heave chaste sighs under a starched and unnatural robe, then to draw bolts and throw it aside, to humiliate a rival, to deceive a husband, to render a lover desolate; to love, for our women, is to play at lying, as children play at hide and seek, the hideous debauchee of a heart, worse than all the lubricity of the Romans, or the Saturnalia of Priapus; bastard parody of vice itself as well as of virtue; loathsome comedy where all is whispering and oblique glances, where all is small, elegant and deformed like the porcelain monsters brought from China; lamentable derision of all that is beautiful and ugly, divine and infernal; a shadow without a body, a skeleton of all that God has made."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,866 ~ ~ ~
To talk of love, they say, is to make love.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,518 ~ ~ ~
There is nothing like those careless ones who make love without believing in it."