Vulgar words in Peter's Mother (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,258 ~ ~ ~
"I dare say," said Peter, "that it's all this rough time in South Africa that's made me feel what a fool I used to make of myself, when I was a discontented ass of a boy; that, or being ill, or something, used to--make one think a bit.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,681 ~ ~ ~
I've been--hopeful, ever since she refused that ass of an Avonwick, in spite of Lady Tintern.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,347 ~ ~ ~
Much as she desired to marry her grand-niece to Lord Avonwick, she was not blind to the young man's personal disadvantages, which were undeniable; and which Peter had rudely summed up in a word by alluding to his rival as an ass.