Vulgar words in The Sorrows of a Show Girl (Page 1)
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In which Sabrina rushes on the scene and begins to discourse breathlessly on theatrical conditions, boobs that send poetry for presents, the tribulations of hunting employment, and the outlook for a New Year's dinner.
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You see it was this way: She had a boob on her staff who was paying her his devoted attention.
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You know the girl I dress with had been out to a wine supper and she came splashing into the dressing room lit up like a show window and cried my makeup box full of tears over the death of her baby sister, and the way I had to put it on I thought was sure good for a fine, and to make matters worse some hussy got next to all my toothpicks and I had to use a hairpin for a liner; but did you notice the way that cat of a soubrette keeps me out of the spotlight?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 686 ~ ~ ~
All the young creatures in our set have to be there with the blush of modesty and the tear tank, for in the heat and gayety of a wine party, when some one springs a travelling man's story if we couldn't flash a flush we would be doped out as being brazen hussies, and tears are always handy.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,671 ~ ~ ~
Do you think I am a boob?
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But it is a good thing to have a bank account to flash, so that the boob will think he will get a comeback if he does lose.
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"The conceited yen some of these boobs have in thinking that a fluff has nothing else to do but sit in some cafe and hold hands until daylight.
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"Wilbur was in the smoking room the other evening and got to talking with what he thought were a couple of boobs, but come to find out they were wise guys.
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Wilbur and two other boobs fall for the bunk and they open up.
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"These two boobs are dirty with the evergreen, and Wilbur's got the wise guys so leary for fear he will tip his mitt and they naturally slip him a big one every time they get a chance.