Vulgar words in Miscellaneous Essays (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 91 ~ ~ ~
People begin to see that something more goes to the composition of a fine murder than two blockheads to kill and be killed--a knife--a purse--and a dark lane.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 673 ~ ~ ~
Father Mersenne, that learned Roman Catholic, in page one thousand four hundred and thirty-one[1] of his operose Commentary on Genesis, mentions, on the authority of several rabbis, that the quarrel of Cain with Abel was about a young woman; that, by various accounts, Cain had tooled with his teeth, [Abelem fuisse _morsibus_ dilaceratum à Cain;] by many others, with the jaw-bone of an ass; which is the tooling adopted by most painters.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 938 ~ ~ ~
We are illegal blockheads; so thoroughly without law, that we don't know even if we have a right to be blockheads; and our mind is made up--that the first man drawn from the oven of coronation at Rheims, is the man that is baked into a king.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,197 ~ ~ ~
Beside the chances that M. Hordal might be a gigantic blockhead, it is notorious that what small matter of spelling Providence had thought fit to disburse amongst man in the seventeenth century, was all monopolized by printers: in France, much more so.]
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,472 ~ ~ ~
Did I then make love to Fanny?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,493 ~ ~ ~
In fact, the utter shadowyness of our relations to each other, even after our meetings through seven or eight years had been very numerous, but of necessity had been very brief, being entirely on mail-coach allowance--timid, in reality, by the General Post-Office--and watched by a crocodile belonging to the antepenultimate generation, left it easy for me to do a thing which few people ever _can_ have done--viz., to make love for seven years, at the same time to be as sincere as ever creature was, and yet never to compromise myself by overtures that might have been foolish as regarded my own interests, or misleading as regarded hers.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,497 ~ ~ ~
But it seems, _ex abundanti_, to yield this moral--viz., that as, in England, the idiot and the half-wit are held to be under the guardianship of chancery, so the man making love, who is often but a variety of the same imbecile class, ought to be made a ward of the General Post-Office, whose severe course of _timing_ and periodical interruption might intercept many a foolish declaration, such as lays a solid foundation for fifty years' repentance.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,505 ~ ~ ~
I believe it is generally understood amongst naturalists, that the crocodile is a blockhead.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,506 ~ ~ ~
It is my own impression that the Pharaohs were also blockheads.