Vulgar words in Contigo Pan y Cebolla (Page 1)

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of_ *collera*) collar *coma* _f._ comma *combate* _m._ conflict, engagement *combustión* _f._ combustion *comedia* _f._ comedy; *entablar la ----* stage the play; begin operations *comenzar* commence *comer* eat *comerciante* _m._ merchant *comercio* _m._ commerce *cometa* _f._ kite *cómico* comic, comical, humorous *comisión* _f._ commission *como* as; how; like *cómo* _interrog._ how; *de a ----* at how much *comodidad* _f._ comfort *cómodo* comfortable *compadecer* feel sorry for *compañera* _f._ companion, mate *compañía* _f._ company *compartir* share *compasión* _f._ compassion *complacerse en* take delight in *completamente* completely *complot* _m._ plot, conspiracy *composición* _f._ composition, piece of work *comprar* buy *comprender* understand *comprometer* bind; *----se* become engaged to marry *compromiso* _m._ embarrassing situation *con* with; *---- tal que* provided, provided that *conceder* grant *concepto* _m._ opinion *conciencia* _f._ conscience *conde* _m._ count *condena* _f._ sentence *condenar* condemn, damn *conducir* conduct *conferencia* _f._ meeting, interview *confesar* confess *confesonario* _m._ confessional *confianza* _f._ confidence, trust *confiar* confide *confidencial* confidential *confiscar* confiscate *confite* _m._ candy *confundir* embarrass, confuse *confusión* _f._ confusion *congoja* _f._ anguish *conmigo* with me *conocer* know; *si conoceré a mi gente* don't I know them *conque* and so *consagrar* consecrate *consecuencia* _f._ consequence *conseguir* succeed in; attain; obtain *consejero* _m._ counselor *consejo* _m._ advice, counsel; council-house; *---- privado* privy council *consentimiento* _m._ consent *consentir* consent *conservar* keep, preserve *considerar* consider *consigo* with him; with her; with you; with them; with themselves; with yourselves, _etc._ *consiguiente* _m._ consequence; *de ----, por ----,* consequently *consistir* consist *consolar* console *conspirar* conspire; war *constancia* _f._ constancy *constante* constant, faithful *constitucional* constitutional *constituir* constitute *consuelo* _m._ consolation *consulta* _f._ consultation *consultar* consult *contar* count *contento* happy, satisfied *contestación* _f._ answer *contestar* answer *contigo* with thee *continuo* continual *contra* against *contrabandista* _m.

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