Vulgar words in Books and Characters - French and English (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 470 ~ ~ ~
We are all bastards; And that most venerable man, which I Did call my father, was I know not where When I was stamped.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,219 ~ ~ ~
For the rest of his life, indeed, he never lost his interest in England; he was never tired of reading English books, of being polite to English travellers, and of doing his best, in the intervals of more serious labours, to destroy the reputation of that deplorable English buffoon, whom, unfortunately, he himself had been so foolish as first to introduce to the attention of his countrymen.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,427 ~ ~ ~
And, only a few years ago, M. Chuquet, of the Institute, took the trouble to compose a thick book in which he has collected with scrupulous detail all the known facts concerning the life and writings of a man whom he forthwith proceeds to damn through five hundred pages of faint praise.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,832 ~ ~ ~
Then he speaks and swears so like old Falstaff, that damn me if I was not ashamed to walk into the room with him.'