Vulgar words in Newton Forster (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 367 ~ ~ ~
A smile was exchanged between the father and son, as she went backwards, screaming, "Betty--I say, Betty, you idle slut, where are you?" as if determined to vent her spleen upon somebody.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 509 ~ ~ ~
"Hope you're well, Mr Curate," sharply observed the lady, who could not be persuaded, even from respect for the cloth, to be commonly civil--"take a chair; it's all covered with dust; but that Betsy is such an idle slut!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,584 ~ ~ ~
It was one of my sailors, who had come to a determination to make an honest woman of Poll and an ass of himself at one and the same time.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,460 ~ ~ ~
con._, which we husbands are obliged to wink at; and I am making love to the brandy-bottle, that I may stimulate my ideas, as unwilling to be roused from their dark cells of the brain as the spirit summoned by Lochiel, who implored at each response, "Leave, oh!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,545 ~ ~ ~
The crews are composed of a small proportion of English seamen, a small proportion of Portuguese sea-cunnies, a proportion of Lascars, and a proportion of Hindoo Bombay marines.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,578 ~ ~ ~
Damn my old buttons!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,250 ~ ~ ~
In less than a month they knew the exact rank of every gentleman in the Presidency; ascertained their prospects, and the value of their appointments; turned the rupees into pounds sterling; broke off a conversation with an ensign at the sight of a lieutenant; cut the lieutenant for a captain; were all smiles for a major; and actually made love themselves to any body who was above that rank, and a bachelor.