Vulgar words in Plutarch's Lives, Volume I (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 370 ~ ~ ~
So when the time of the third payment of the tribute arrived, and those fathers who had sons not yet grown up had to submit to draw lots, the unhappy people began to revile Aegeus, complaining that he, although the author of this calamity, yet took no share in their affliction, but endured to see them left childless, robbed of their own legitimate offspring, while he made a foreigner and a bastard the heir to his kingdom.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 547 ~ ~ ~
Others reject this verse, and the legend about Mounychus, who is said to have been the bastard son of Laodike, by Demophoon, and to have been brought up in Troy by Aithra.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,814 ~ ~ ~
If it finds nothing to love at home, it will find something abroad; and when affection, like a desert spot, has no legitimate possessors, it is usurped by bastard children or even servants, who when they have obtained our love, make us fear for them and be anxious about them.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,428 ~ ~ ~
He is thought to have had a bastard son by her, who is mentioned by Eupolis in his play of 'The Townships,' where Perikles is introduced, asking, "Lives then my son?" to which Myronides answers: "He lives, and long had claimed a manly name, But that he feared his harlot mother's shame."