Vulgar words in Là-bas (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 168 ~ ~ ~
One would say it was angry at having got into the wrong box and avenged itself by going into voluntary paralysis when possessed by one who was neither a sharper nor an ass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 340 ~ ~ ~
Think of a consumptive spitting blood and suffocating in a room one flight up, behind the 'ass-back' gables of, say the passage des Panoramas, for instance.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,719 ~ ~ ~
Then it would be finished, whereas now I must begin at the beginning again, and God damn her!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,577 ~ ~ ~
"Master, whose inconceivable ferocity engenders life and inflicts it on the innocent whom thou darest damn--in the name of what original sin?--whom thou darest punish--by the virtue of what covenants?--we would have thee confess thine impudent cheats, thine inexpiable crimes!