Vulgar words in Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664) (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 355 ~ ~ ~
6 An excellent and very discreet person, very near ally'd both to you and mee, was relating to mee, that some time since, whilst she was talking with some other Ladies, upon a sudden, all the objects, she looked upon, appeared to her dyed with unusual Colours, some of one kind, and some of another, but all so bright and vivid, that she should have been as much delighted, as surpriz'd with them, but that finding the apparition to continue, she fear'd it portended some very great alteration as to her health: As indeed the day after she was assaulted with such violence by Hysterical and Hypocondrical Distempers, as both made her rave for some daies, and gave her, during that time, a Bastard Palsey.