Vulgar words in The Turkish Jester - or, The Pleasantries of Cogia Nasr Eddin Effendi (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 311 ~ ~ ~
The Efendi's ass, however, would hardly move.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 356 ~ ~ ~
'Have you counted, then,' said the priest, 'the hairs upon your ass?'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 401 ~ ~ ~
Timour Shah being very much offended that the Cogia stretched out his leg as he did, said to himself, 'If I do so I have an excuse, and I am also a king'; and then said to the Cogia, 'When you mount your ass, what is the difference between you and him?'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 665 ~ ~ ~
His mother becoming very angry, said, 'What nonsense is the brat talking that he calls himself the son of a whore?'