Vulgar words in David Harum - A Story of American Life (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,421 ~ ~ ~
"I thought I'd sock it to the cuss a little," remarked Mr. Robinson in recounting the conversation subsequently; and, in truth, it was not elevating to the spirits of our friend, who found himself speculating whether or no Timson might not be right.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,502 ~ ~ ~
"Wa'al, I don't mind for this once," he said, going behind the bar and setting out a bottle and glasses, "but I've gen'ally noticed that it's a damn sight easier to git somethin' _into_ you fellers 'n 't is to git anythin' _out_ of ye."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,085 ~ ~ ~
How old Swinney come to hold off so was that she used to pay the cuss ten dollars or so ev'ry six months 'n git no credit fer it, an' no receipt an' no witniss, 'n he knowed the prop'ty was improving all the time.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,330 ~ ~ ~
I s'pose I _was_ about as ord'nary, no-account-lookin', red-headed, freckled little cuss as you ever see, an' slinkin' in my manners.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,402 ~ ~ ~
'I dunno,' I says, diggin' my big toe into the dust; an' then, I dunno how I got the spunk to, for I was shyer 'n a rat, 'Guess I was thinkin' 'bout mendin' that fence up in the ten-acre lot's much's anythin',' I says.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,559 ~ ~ ~
Wa'al, it wa'n't the lickin' I got, though that had somethin' to do with it, but I'd never have had the spunk to run away's I did if it hadn't ben for the heartenin' Billy P. gin me, an' never knowed it, an' never knowed it," he repeated mournfully.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,215 ~ ~ ~
"'Damn!' says Price, 'I fergot all about the cussed thing.