Vulgar words in Danger Signals - Remarkable, Exciting and Unique Examples of the Bravery, Daring and Stoicism in the Midst of Danger of Train Dispatchers and Railroad Engineers (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 76 ~ ~ ~
I read an article in a scientific paper from the pen of a jackass who showed a Corliss engine card, and then blackguarded the railroad mechanics of America for being satisfied with the link because it was handy.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 295 ~ ~ ~
"It was a strange courting, John, there on that engine at the front, the boundless plains on one side, the mountains on the other, the winds of the desert whirling sand and snow against our little house, and the moon looking coldly down at the spectacle of an engineer making love to his fireman.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 599 ~ ~ ~
When the constitution and by-laws were drawn up, the more liberal of the trustees struck a snag in old 'Lige.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 799 ~ ~ ~
"She's a hussy," said Marie.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 853 ~ ~ ~
"Damn that clock," said I to myself, "I'm getting superstitious or have softening of the brain," and I reached over to open the front door, so that the breeze could cool me off.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,456 ~ ~ ~
Why, damn it, I'd fight a buzz-saw, if it called my mother 'old woman'--and she's been dead a long time; gone to that special, exalted, gilt-edged and glorious heaven for mothers.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,597 ~ ~ ~
B. Sanderson--I didn't notice the name before--was my own nephew, the very young cuss whose picture kept me from marryin' the baby's mother!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,599 ~ ~ ~
"John, I don't care a continental cuss how good he was, the baby was good enough for him--too good--I just said nothing--and watched the signals.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,699 ~ ~ ~
"Well, course I saw her home, and tried my best to be interesting, but if a fellow ever in his natural life becomes a double-barreled jackass, it's just immediately after he falls in love.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,626 ~ ~ ~
I then carefully opened the key and had just begun to speak to the despatcher when one of the men suspected me and said to the leader, "Bill, watch that little cuss.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,865 ~ ~ ~
Then the one with the lantern said, "Well, fellows, the little cuss is game.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,354 ~ ~ ~
"No," I answered, "the wire hasn't gone down, but that cuss up in 'CH' who signs 'JL' has been pounding the eternal life out of me and I've just given him a piece of my mind."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,394 ~ ~ ~
Now the chief operator in this place was a scaly sort of a cuss--in fact, it was said that he had done time in the past for some skullduggery--and when the horses went to the post, he stood by the switchboard and deliberately cut the pool room wire, so the report didn't go through.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,415 ~ ~ ~
"Hold your horses, sonny, what's the difference between you and a jackass?" he said.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,437 ~ ~ ~
He knocked the ashes out of his pipe, got up from his chair, and, stretching his six feet two of anatomy to its full length said: "Well, old chap, I'm fagged.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,252 ~ ~ ~
"I was born in St. Louis; mother died when I was a kid, and Dad was such a drunken worthless old cuss and beat me so much, that I brought up in a foundling asylum.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,754 ~ ~ ~
Well, damn him, we'll make him pull it.