Vulgar words in Canoe Mates in Canada - Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 54 ~ ~ ~
Possibly he may have regretted his rashness in sticking to the middle of the channel until it was too late to change his course; but apparently the solitary young Canuck was at the time in somewhat of a desperate frame of mind, and recked little what might be the result of his mad act of defiance to the combined powers of tempest and boiling rapids.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 111 ~ ~ ~
"And I'm Owen Dugdale," said the other, knowing the pause was intended for him to break in with the mention of his name; "a native Canuck, and at home in this timber region--my parents were of Scotch descent I believe.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 630 ~ ~ ~
The young Canuck guide in the lead did not so much as turn his head after the boats containing the Indians had passed, but continued to dip his paddle in and out with the methodical rhythm so characteristic of the voyager who has spent his life amid these scenes.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 666 ~ ~ ~
Cuthbert, in an aside, asked Owen if they need fear any danger from the Crees; but the young Canuck shook his head in the negative, answering back: "Not at all.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 874 ~ ~ ~
He was a good hand at playing the game of "wait," and perhaps in time his chance would come to knock up their hand, and call the deal.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,025 ~ ~ ~
So saying, Cuthbert turned to the Canuck and, smiling, said: "Owen, my boy, you promised to tell us something about your troubles when an opportunity came.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,305 ~ ~ ~
He was constantly thinking of Owen and his fortunes, weaving castles in the air that might be fulfilled, providing the sturdy young Canuck could be convinced that it was right and proper for him to become reconciled with his grandfather, and let bygones be forgotten.