Vulgar words in George Bernard Shaw (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 833 ~ ~ ~
The true Puritan is not squeamish: the true Puritan is free to say "Damn it!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 834 ~ ~ ~
But the Catholic Elizabethan was free (on passing provocation) to say "Damn it all!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,158 ~ ~ ~
Up to this point of his life indeed hardly anyone would have dreamed of calling him a Puritan; he was called sometimes an anarchist, sometimes a buffoon, sometimes (by the more discerning stupid people) a prig.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,235 ~ ~ ~
As Christ expressed how great a man can be humble and humane, Cæsar may have expressed how great a man can be frigid and flippant.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,377 ~ ~ ~
Perhaps the irony in the situation is this: that all the crowds are acclaiming him as the blasting and hypercritical buffoon, while he himself is seriously rallying his synthetic power, and with a grave face telling himself that it is time he had a faith to preach.