Vulgar words in The Statesmen Snowbound (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 797 ~ ~ ~
'You know I told you when you were here the other day that I could not--you know damn well that----' "'Now, now, now,' said he soothingly, holding up his hand, 'don't do that!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 936 ~ ~ ~
"Well," said Sammy Ridley, drawing a deep breath when the Colonel was through, "I may be a damn fool, but I am no poet!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,403 ~ ~ ~
"'Do you see that hussy in the ruff over there?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,855 ~ ~ ~
Between consoling puffs he jerked out, 'A man's a damn fool--a damn fool, I say, to come to New York to look for a job!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,453 ~ ~ ~
Coot Harris, the marshman, had a daughter, who, as Uncle Ashby contemptuously remarked, 'was peart enuff, as pore white trash folkses go.'