Vulgar words in The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,935 ~ ~ ~
"_Parbleu!_" replied the old maid, "I have composed a little speech on ill-assorted unions, which I am sure will melt the hearts of my sister and my brother-in-law; and if that does not succeed-why, I will make love to the _futur_ myself, and whisper in his ear that a comfortable little income available at once, and a willing old maid, are better than a cross-grained damsel with expectations only.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,728 ~ ~ ~
Thus, if I were to say, 'You are an _ass_-it rests on ass; but if I were to say, '_You_ are an ass-it rests on you, Sir James.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,238 ~ ~ ~
Soon after the election of Mr. Adams, which he had strongly opposed, Mr. Poinsett was again appointed Minister to Mexico, whore he remained until the summer of 1829.