Vulgar words in Chatterbox, 1905. (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 684 ~ ~ ~
'Awful ass if you do,' cried Augustus, who had a knack of overhearing what was not intended for his ears.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 685 ~ ~ ~
'Why am I an ass?' demanded Smythe.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,196 ~ ~ ~
'I'm quite knocked up!' exclaimed the Ball, While mounting to the skies; 'I know I shall have such a fall After this dreadful rise.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 9,614 ~ ~ ~
'He has come to look for work, he says, but I told him we wanted no country bumpkins here.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,000 ~ ~ ~
You are completely fagged out, and if you don't turn in at once I shall have two patients to-morrow instead of one.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,378 ~ ~ ~
A Dane once brought to his country a beautiful he-ass from Andalusia, and the animal was exhibited as a curiosity in all the towns.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,383 ~ ~ ~
The other then perceived his want of foresight; and in order to remedy it, he had written at the foot of the portrait of the Prince of Denmark, '_This is the original Ass._' ETHEL'S ORANGE-PLANT.