Vulgar words in From Pole to Pole - A Book for Young People (Page 1)
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The Latin name for the wild ass, _Equus kiang_, indicates his close relationship to the horse, and "kiang" is what he is called by the people of Tibet.
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The wild ass is as large as an average mule, with well-developed ears, and a sharp sense of hearing; his tail is tufted at the end, and he is reddish-brown in colour, except on the legs and belly, where he is white.
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When he scents danger he snorts loudly, throws up his head, cocks his ears, and expands his nostrils; he is more like a fine ass than a horse, but when you see him wild and free on the salt plains of Tibet, the difference between him and an ass seems even greater than between an ass and a horse.
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A few days later a Suaheli came and said that the lion had seized an ass, and was engaged in his meal not far away.
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On April 27 he wrote in his diary, "Knocked up quite, and remain--recover--sent to buy milch goats.