Vulgar words in Major Vigoureux (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 216 ~ ~ ~
"Oh, damn the woman!" he broke out in sudden wrath, and went his way with long strides, while the Inspecting Commander looked after him with a broad grin.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 918 ~ ~ ~
Also we cannot knock up Mr. and Mrs. Pope without disturbing Miss Gabriel next door."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 919 ~ ~ ~
"Nor, for that matter, can we knock up Miss Gabriel without disturbing Mr. and Mrs. Pope."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,406 ~ ~ ~
Between ourselves, my dear Charlotte, an idea has occurred to me, and I fancy that if Major Vigoureux thinks he can delude me with his painted hussies he will find himself mistaken!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,866 ~ ~ ~
"That Treacher's missus (as you call her) bore her hand in the sport I have the evidence of my own eyes; and if by 'the Ghost' you allude to a painted hussy that Mrs. Pope and I surprised, the other night, in your master's quarters, I advise you to keep that for the Marines.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,961 ~ ~ ~
You might as well try reason on the hind leg of a jackass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,336 ~ ~ ~
I had the news from Sam Leggo hisself, as he raced off to knock up Mr. Pope."