Vulgar words in The Missing Merchantman (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 792 ~ ~ ~
And now, with fine weather, a fair breeze, and New Amsterdam sighted and passed, the poor fagged skipper once more knew what it was to enjoy an easy mind; and as he bade Ned "good-night" on the poop, about five bells in the first watch, he announced, in tones loud enough to be distinctly heard by the man at the wheel, that he intended to treat himself to a whole night's sleep, and that he was not to be called or disturbed unless for something out of the common.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,900 ~ ~ ~
Half an hour later all the men had returned on board, and though they were thoroughly fagged out by their unwonted exercise they had evidently enjoyed the day just as much as though they had been so many schoolboys.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,317 ~ ~ ~
As the engineer warmed with his subject he made the superiority of stone over wood so evident that it was finally decided he and Henderson should devote the next day to a search for a suitable quarry; whilst the skipper, with Manners and Nicholls for his assistants, was to essay the task of knocking up a temporary but somewhat more efficient shelter for the party than the tents would afford, pending the completion of the house or "fort," as they seemed inclined to style the proposed structure.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,325 ~ ~ ~
Hence the little fit of pique, the outcome of which had been a resolve to show these two resourceful men that he, plain, unpretending seamen though he was, knew a thing or two besides how to handle or navigate a ship, and that, even when it came to such a matter as the knocking up of an impromptu house, he was not disposed to give way to anybody.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,519 ~ ~ ~
The occupants of the fort retired to rest that night, as usual, at the early hour of ten o'clock; and, thoroughly fagged out with the day's labour, soon sank to sleep.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,857 ~ ~ ~
Gaunt guessed only too surely at the object of this sudden and hurried departure, and his heart sank with dismal apprehension as he thought of the distance those little feet would have to traverse ere the refuge of the fort could be won, of their liability to become fagged and to lag upon the way, and of the fleetness of foot displayed by their cruel pursuers when starting upon their relentless errand.