Vulgar words in A College Girl (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,256 ~ ~ ~
Sheer horror of the situation took away Darsie's breath; she stood stock still in the middle of the floor, felt her lips gape apart, the crimson rush to her face, saw in a mental flash a vision of the country bumpkin she must appear--just for a moment, then Aunt Maria's voice said, in even, equable tones-- "Ah, here she is!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,700 ~ ~ ~
Harry's voice was beginning to croak, which, taken together with a dawning passion for socks, ties, and brilliantine, was an unmistakable sign of growing up; Russell was preternaturally thin and looked all arms and legs; while Tim had forsaken knickers for full-fledged trousers, and resented any attempt at petting as an insufferable offence.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,176 ~ ~ ~
My last partner weighed a ton, at least, and I'm fagged out.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,449 ~ ~ ~
"C-c-couldn't remember a context," was her hiccoughing explanation of the breakdown, and henceforth Darsie had taken her in hand, fagged for her, petted her, scolded her, put her to bed, and ruthlessly carried off notebooks to her own study, to frustrate disastrous attempts at midnight toil.