Vulgar words in The Practical Distiller - An Introduction To Making Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Spirits, - &c. &c. of Better Quality, and in Larger Quantities, than - Produced by the Present Mode of Distilling, from the Produce - of the United States (Page 1)
This book at a glance
~ ~ ~ Sentence 47 ~ ~ ~
In short, my impressions were, that chop-rye mixed with water in a hogshead, and let stand for two or three days; and then put into a still, and fire being put under her, would produce the spirit by boiling up into the worm, and to pass through the water in order to cool it, and render it palatable for immediate use--and was certain the whole art and mystery could be learned in two or three weeks, or months at farthest, as I had frequently met with persons who professed a knowledge of the business, which they had acquired in two or three months, and tho' those men were esteemed distillers, and in possession of all the necessary art, in this very abstruse science; I soon found them to be ignorant blockheads, without natural genius, and often, without principle.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 51 ~ ~ ~
Scientific men generally look down on us, and that is principally owing to the circumstance of so many knaves, blockheads and conceited characters being engaged in the business.--If then, the subject could be improved, I fancy our country would yield all the necessary liquors, and in a state of perfection, to gratify the opulent, and please the epicure.