Vulgar words in The Gilpins and their Fortunes - A Story of Early Days in Australia (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 209 ~ ~ ~
He was right: there was the hideous, unearthly cry of the laughing-jackass, called often the bushman's clock; the screaming cry of thousands of parrots flying here and there through the forest; there was the cackle of the wattle-bird, the clear notes of the magpie, and the confused chattering of thousands of leather-heads; while many other birds added their notes to the discordant chorus, and speedily banished sleep from the eyes of their hearers.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 819 ~ ~ ~
Their steeds were pretty well knocked up with their long and rapid journey, but Lieutenant Graham, the officer in command, was most anxious to catch some of the men.